On 28 and 29 June 2022 part of our group visited the BioSB meeting in Lunteren in the Netherlands. Dasha Balashova presented her work about the clonal family reconstruction. Utkarsh Mahamune, Rodrigo Garcia Valiente and Danial Lashgari presented a poster about their work (see below).
And Rodrigo won the BioSB best poster award!!

The title of the poster presented by Utkarsh was, “Benchmarking robustness of methods for integration of scRNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics data”. He says, he enjoyed the days at the conference, it presented an opportunity to listen to great minds in the computational and system biology field and meet other researchers from all over Netherlands and beyond. He further added that, the poster discussion session was especially useful for different outlook to the project and he hopes to collaborate and work with the connections he made at the conference.