Dasha Balashova, MSc
I have mathematical background (Lomonosov Moscow State University) and my professional interests include using computational modeling and data analysis techniques to study the adaptive immune system. My project within ARCAID program is related to the development and application of bioinformatics methods for analyzing Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire (AIRR) sequencing data.
- d.balashova@amsterdamumc.nl
- AMC | J1B/J2B
Dr. Silvia Olabarriaga
Former PI at the Bioinformatics Laboratory. Currently PI in the EDS department.
Dr. Miranda Stobbe
Former PhD student
- Current location: Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG), Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Frans van der Kloet
Former postdoc
- Current location: Biosystems Data Analysis group (www.bdagroup.nl)
Lucas Jansen
- s1112453@student.hsleiden.nl
- 0641848501
- AMC | J1B/J2B
Susanna Mosgo
- s.m.mosgo@student.vu.nl
- +31638464112
- AMC | J1B Tues/thurs
Seyan Hu
- s.hu1@amsterdamumc.nl
- AMC | J1B/J2B
Lisa Haver
- lisa.haver@student.uva.nl
- AMC | J1B/J2B
Elias Steyaert
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